Tag Archives: Conservative

The Lunatic Perhaps President


Many women, according to Rick Santorum in his book “It Takes a Family: Conservatism and the Common Good”, have told him that it is more “socially affirming to work outside the home than to give up their careers to take care of their children.”

What happened in America so that mothers and fathers who leave their children in the care of someone else — or worse yet, home alone after school between three and six in the afternoon — find themselves more affirmed by society? Here, we can thank the influence of radical feminism

Sadly the propaganda campaign launched in the 1960s has taken root

The radical feminists succeeded in undermining the traditional family and convincing women that professional accomplishments are the key to happiness

Santorum, Rick. It Takes a Family: Conservatism and the Common Good. Wilmington, DE: ISI, 2005. Print.

Mitt Romney vs. Gay Veteran


“You can’t trust him. I just saw it in his eyes.”

I love this clip for numerous reasons. I love that Romney went to the veteran, Bob, thinking he’s probably going to love Romney for all his conservative crap and give him positive publicity. I love how Romney almost seems excited about the gay marriage question, since he assumes the old, white male Vietnam veteran is going to be on his side. I love how much more fake Romney got when he realizes the guy he is speaking to is gay. I love how Romney cannot get Bob to stop speaking his mind with his vague “we apparently disagree on that” bullshit. I love how stressed out Romney’s minions get when they see the direction the conversation is going in and try to wrap it up in a hurry. I love how Bob calls him out by saying “I guess the question was too hot”. I love how Bob made sure he spoke his mind at the end before Romney ran away. I love how Romney looks like he was slapped in the face.

Top GOP Candidates


This year, the GOP has decided not to let anyone who exhibits even a smidgen of intelligence or honesty run. It is the race to the least vile and abhorrent. Amongst all the clowns, Gingrich and Perry take the cake. Huntsman has a very lackluster candidacy and seems like he should belong in the Democratic party, and Santorum is a hypocritical and loony Christian fanatic. I ultimately think that it will come down to Paul, who is suddenly being touted as some sort of hero and Romney, who will say anything to win. I will be outlining and comparing these two in this article.

Read the rest of this entry

Race Issues


I just watched “The Help”, and have been inspired to put together a 3-part blog post on race relations shortly. They will be ordered chronologically, starting with European racism in the colonial era, post-colonial era, and currently.

The Help is an amazing movie, about black maids working in white households in Jackson, Mississippi during the 1960’s. It is based on a book of the same name, written by Kathryn Stockett, who was raised by a black maid. The movie is directed by Tate Taylor. Some of the stubborn, immature, ideological, abusive characters in the movie who advocate for the Jim Crow laws, or a “separate but equal” status for colored people really reminds me of modern-day Tea Party members:

Sandy Rios on Birth Control


You all make science a laughing stock. You present science and facts just to present your viewpoint

– Sandy Rios

Three weeks ago, federal guidelines approved insurance companies to cover birth control with no co-pay costs. Predictably, conservative Christians have been up in arms over this issue (excuse the pun).

Sandy Rios compares birth control, and counseling for abuse to manicures and pedicures in this clip: “We’re $14 trillion in debt and now we’re going to cover birth control, breast pumps, counseling for abuse? Are we going to do pedicures and manicures as well?” She has serious problems with women having greater access to birth control, because according to her, they have more of an incentive then to become more sex-crazed. Indeed, she looks at babies as a deterrence to women becoming this way: “Having a baby is not the worst thing. I think having multiple sex partners without any kind of restraint or responsibility is much more damning”. Of course Viagra being provided to men under Medicare is of no problem to her. Men are obviously much more in control of their sexual desires.

Similarly, Steve King (US rep. for Iowa’s 5th congressional district) argues that  providing free birth control could end the human race. No, I’m not making this up: “Preventing babies from being born is not medicine. That’s not — that’s not constructive to our culture and our civilization. If we let our birth rate get down below replacement rate we’re a dying civilization”.

Sandy Rios is a FOX News Contributor, a conservative columnist, radio talk show host, and the Vice President of Family-Pac Federal (on the front lines of the “battles” for tradition values and limited government aka making sure the status quo in this country stays intact). She has (of course) been awarded the 2005 Henry Hyde Leadership Award, Pro-Life Action League’s “Protector Award”, Eagle Forum‘s Excellence Award, and Family PAC’s 1999 “Conservative of the Year”, for all her efforts to keep women down to ensure that the majority can never stand up to the tiny number of individuals that hold all the power and money.

Great take  by Steven Colbert on this issue:

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