Tag Archives: Class

The Dire Need for Systemic Change


I tried to make a connection between what is happening in Wall Street, and all those conflicts that I have been a part of and write about… What connects these problems is exclusion… We have a problem on our hands. A problem that needs to be addressed systemically. And I can just say that no individual, no corporation can be allowed to have such unfettered wealth, such unfettered power. There has to be a cap on what corporations can have, what individuals can have.

RACE Part III: Modern Day Racism


In this article, I will be focusing on the victimization of specific groups of people in various parts of the world, under the pretence of race in modern history. I will be looking at white supremacy and its impact on the United States, particularly on the Civil Rights Movement, and link it to the racial purification plans of the Nazi Party. I will also examine the atrocities the state of Israel carries out on Palestinians, behaving not very unlike the Nazis who tortured them.

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Zeitgeist: Moving Forward


Zeitgeist: Moving Forward is the third installment in Peter Joseph’s film series of the same name. The movie was released on January 15, 2011, in over 60 countries and in over 30 languages. It presents a case for a needed transition out of the current socioeconomic monetary paradigm which governs the entire world society. Here is the trailer:

Watch the entire movie at http://www.zeitgeistmovingforward.com/